Dutch Boogie

CRank: 5Score: 15430

Good news for Sony and the ps3. Noe just keep delivering more AAA exclusives and you will be rewarded with more sales.

5242d ago 18 agree3 disagreeView comment
5242d ago

In case xbots wanna talk smack, just know The Last Remnant = 4/10 lol.

5242d ago 16 agree6 disagreeView comment

Ooh that's a big blow to level 5. WKC seems to be getting mixed reviews so far. This is the lowest score i think. Anyway, judging from Gamespots review history, i'd say most of the people there are more of FPS fans and prefer westernized gaming.

I will have too wait for more reviews to make up my mind.

Edit: @ Shocky

GTFO! you are a known troll. What does MAG or Heavy Rain have to do with this article.

5242d ago 19 agree14 disagreeView comment

lol rejected. Just like ps3 owners will reject this GOW clone.

5243d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment
5243d ago

"Microsoft Game Studios" also had their name on Star Ocean:The Last Hope then look what happened. People need to relies that when M$ says their games are exclusive, there are not to be trusted completely.

Now in Sony's case the words "EXCLUSIVE" stands as what it is. Thus the argument of most 360 gamers in denial about the term "CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE" being a made up make believe reassurance argument.

5243d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

lol 360 has no games FACT!

5243d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

loli bet really deep down inside you would be ok with it now. Already bored of the game huh. 360 games never advance. Same crappy textures, animation and voice acting.

360 has no games FACT!

5243d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

360 has no games FACT!

5243d ago 22 agree3 disagreeView comment

Meh people need to stop living in denial. As of now all recent sources and rumors point to a ps3 version sometime in the year. I'd say as of right now there is a 70% chance of ME2 ending up on the ps3.

The fact that Bioware clarified the ability to play ME2 without having played the first one also points to a multiplat (console) release.

Personally i wouldn't mind playing it to see what the fuss is about.

5243d ago 17 agree10 disagreeView comment

"For me the mistake they have made is not launching it with the motion controller."

For some reason i think that would completely ruin the game. The fact that they use the ps3's sixaxis is enough. Anything more and it would be interfering with players trying to concentrate on the story. I don't wanna come home from work and stand infront of a tv wobbling my hands like a crazy baboon.

5243d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol bots are just so retardedly easy to OWN. Their so cute.

5243d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol i want what he is smoking. lala land sounds like a nice detour from reality.

5243d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Also i don't get why people cannot accept the fact that it is an interactive game. Heavy Rain is a genre in itself and it's main goal is to tell a story with players on the end-side making choices to unravel the outcome.

Hmm...i wonder why i haven't heard anyone question Alan Wake for the same reasons. Don't you control the characters with a controller? Aren't they both Adventure/thriller games? don't they have stories?

So why the hate for Heavy Rain. God knows we ne...

5243d ago 37 agree2 disagreeView comment

"bu bu but Mass Effect 2 is getting 9 scores. It is teh bestest 360 gamez of all timesz" lol. Already dethrone by yet anothet ps3 masterpiece. Cry more xf@gs.

5243d ago 19 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol Mass Effect 2 already dethrone by yet another ps3 exclusive. Like i keep saying, "the 360 never stood a chance". I think GOTY2010 has been picked early by some sites.

Heavy Rain looks to be one of those games that people will be talking about in a decade from now. My children will never hear the end of it lol.

5243d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

And the trend continues. PS3 games innovating and owning at the same time. Heavy Rain could very well be the most memorable video game story ever told and GOTY2010. I just can't wait dammit.

5243d ago 22 agree7 disagreeView comment

OMG the game is getting outstanding reviews. My anticipation is going through the roof as we speak. I love adventure/thriller games. This one just screams innovation.

5243d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol the story and script in Heavy Rain alone is enough to create two Gears game and three Halo's.

5244d ago 21 agree4 disagreeView comment